Monday 16 June 2014

Task 7 - Review

When starting the assignment, I made sure that I carefully read and understood all of the tasks that were being given to me. The assignment was very well structured and east to understand what needed to be done and the assignment tasks wee mapped out well. I used Moodle to use materials suggested by the teacher to help with any work I had, I found them very useful. I was aware of the timescale that I had to complete this project; however, I don’t think I had managed my time correctly as I did over shoot the deadline of the project. I didn't set myself any short term goals, which could of helped but I did at times plan ahead, for example, I had created a character at home to use in the project. The research that I collected helped quite a lot with my concept as some parts of the character are very much inspired from different games. I felt very confident using the Photoshop software but when it came to using Illustrator, it did take some time to get used to the program. Whilst creating the initial sketch of the character, I felt very comfortable with the decisions made during the production. I did collect additional research for some parts of the character, for example, I looked up what workers boots looked like. I was quite confident with the DSLR camera, the person that I used was very cooperative and managed to do the poses well. didn't really experiment with the other photographs, which I probably should have to see if any of the other outcomes looked better than the one I chose. I felt I had improved on my tracing skills in Illustrator as I was quite impressed with the final outcome of the character. Overall, I am very pleased with the character that I have created and if I were to do it again, I would definitely choose a different pose.

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