Monday 13 January 2014

Task 4 - Planning

My Original schedule

My schedule:

Ideas Generation and Development:



I feel like I read the assignment carefully as the final outcome of the project was quite good in my opinion and the tasks have what has been asked for. The Unit was clearly structured and was very easy to understand in the terms of its language. Also the assignments were clear on how they were connected to the Unit. The material on Moodle was quite helpful and I would use it to refresh my memory about what I had to do for my assignments.
I was aware about the deadline for this Unit but I don’t feel that I managed my time well as I did overshoot the deadline by a few weeks. I also never set myself short-term goals which may have assisted me in completing the Unit faster. When I came into the lesson, I would do work day to day instead of planning which could of helped also. I do feel that my research helped and ideas generation helped make a strong concept piece as I am quite pleased with the final outcome.
I was very confident with using Photoshop and Illustrator. I had used Photoshop a lot before the project so I knew what all the tools did, however Illustrator took some getting used to as it introduced some new tools, but I did eventually get used to it. I felt very comfortable while producing my initial sketches for my character. I researched for a few things to reference from while sketching it for example I looked up workers boots for the characters shoes. I was confident with using the DLSR camera hand the model I used for my photos was very cooperative. didn't use all of the photos to their full potential as most of them were good poses but I never used them, so if I was to do this project again, I would possibly use one of the other photos. I feel that my tracing skills in Illustrator were good as I was able to easily add shading to the character, but I could maybe improve on my skills to make even more detailed tracing. 
Overall, I am very pleased with the final outcome of my concept and it came out better then I initially expected it to.

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